What Happens in a Humanities Lab: Origami Disaster Bowls
Wed 15 May 2024 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Mansfield Cooper, 4.03 laboratory, M13 9PL
No matter where we live, disasters seem to be intensifying. A flood, a fire, or an earthquake can disrupt ‘normal’ everyday life by cutting essential services or causing injury. Disaster preparedness educators in Japan are devising different ways that people can survive such events by improvising with ordinary objects. In this session, we will practice some of these ‘crafting’ skills: making an origami cup and a dish out of newspapers, a poncho made from a garbage bag, and an emergency toilet. We will test how well they work (or not) and discuss and experiment with other crafting skills that might be helpful in the context of the UK.
What Happens in a Humanities Lab is a new series of events, hosted by academics from across the humanities to bring their material culture specialisms into the lab in the form of practical skills workshops. They are available to staff and students across the whole University of Manchester. Sessions include artefacts and creative writing, indigo dyeing, building an origami disaster bowl, Early Modern candle making and mummifying an orange!
We’re encouraging creativity and discovery whilst learning new skills. Get creative in these workshops, collaborate with others from across the university and come see what a Humanities lab is all about.
Mansfield Cooper, 4.03 laboratory, M13 9PL