Accounting and Society Research Seminar: Dr Farzana Tanima, University of Wollongong
Thu 11 Jul 2024 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Jubilee Building, Room G32 and online, University of Sussex Business School, Brighton, BN1 9SL
Title: Dialogism-in-Action: Unpacking Student Experiences in Decolonizing Accounting Curriculum
Keywords: decolonisation, Aboriginal lens, dialogic education, reflective assessment
This paper aims to illuminate students’ experiences of engaging with a decolonial lens applied to a third-year management accounting subject in an Australian university.
Drawing on a broadened understanding of accounting as not just a "technical" but also a "social and moral practice concerned with the sustainable utilization of resources and proper accountability” (Carnegie et al., 2021, p. 69) this paper is situated within the need for decolonising monologic accounting curriculum, drawing on the philosophical underpinnings of dialogic education.
Methodology and Methods:
The paper applies Wong et al.’s (2021) framework of dialogism-in-action, characterized by an active cycle of action and reflection, to analyse students’ reflections on their participation in the subject and an assessment task involving the application of an Aboriginal lens of Country to critique monologic accounting and a company's sustainability efforts, particularly concerning the balanced scorecard.
Research Implications and Originality:
The study utilizes a reflective assessment task to foster ongoing consultation and co-learning between traditionally considered teachers and students, providing a space for students’ voices and facilitating an active cycle of learning, reflection, and action. This approach contributes to the broader discussion on decolonising accounting education and curriculum.
Jubilee Building, Room G32 and online, University of Sussex Business School, Brighton, BN1 9SL