Dzogchen Movement ("Tsa Lung" exercises)
Multiple dates and times
Online, Zoom
"Nam'khor" is Tibetan, loosely translated as the "Sky Realm Series." These classes primarily focus on standing exercises from this series alongside some supportive standing meditations and other Dzogchen practices.
The movements are easily accessible, soft, and graceful. They are mostly standing movements, with fluid patterns followed by the arms and some gentle spinal rotations. Some of the movements can be practiced seated. Places are limited so that there is a coherent group atmosphere, time for individual questions and personal feedback.
Tsa Lung
The movements open your body to experience the flow of non-ordinary sensation, "lung," translated as "winds" or "vital energy." They work on the principle of discovering the nonduality of bliss and clarity. This is a visceral experience: practicing the movements, your body will start to feel loose, clear, and open.
The breath work is soft and unforced; the movements are slow. They're nonetheless potent and should be approached with care.
These classes take place at different time-slots, usually twice per month, for 75 minutes. Purchasing a ticket gives you access to the recording if you can't make the class.
NB: The event times on your ticket are EDT!
Dates of upcoming classes:
Friday July 26th 2024: 10:30 am - 11:45 am ET
Saturday August 11th 2024: 10:00 am - 11:15 am ET
Thursday August 29th 2024: 10:30 am - 11:45 am ET
Sunday September 8th 2024: 10:30 am - 11:45 am ET
Thursday October 24th 2024: 10:30 am - 11:45 am ET