Heritage Week | PTM Community Fair
Sun 23 Feb 2025 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM PST
3102 Main Street, V5T 3G7
Join us at Heritage Hall for a family-friendly Places that Matter Community Fair to celebrate Heritage Week 2025.
Join VHF for the 8th Annual Places That Matter Community Fair! For Heritage Week 2025, we are continuing to imagine fostering community connections and building conversation through a Community Fair.
Join us from 11 am to 3pm on Sunday, February 23rd at Heritage Hall for an all-ages community fair with table displays, items for sale, and crafts. Learn about the many stories and people that connect us to the places that matter in our communities.
Places that Matter launched with a plaque project in 2011 to recognize community-nominated sites that highlight some of the lesser-known people, places and events that have shaped Vancouver. A decade later, with 94 plaques installed, the online Community History Resource continues to grow with community contributions of personal stories and photographs for 125 sites.
This event is family-friendly and all are welcome to attend. By donation.
Please contact katherine@vancouverheritagefoundation.org for more information on how to participate or to learn more about sponsorship opportunities.
All donations are tax deductible. An official tax receipt is issued for donations of $20 or more. Our Registered Charity number is 891765968.
3102 Main Street, V5T 3G7