Transport Manager CPC Evenings August 2025 Exam
Tue 10 Jun 2025 17:30 - 20:30 BST
Online, Teams
NB. This course commences on Tue 10th 2025 at 17:30 until 20:30 and runs every Tuesday & Thursday for eight weeks.
A revision day on Monday 4th August and the EXAM on Tuesday 5th August.
Course dates will be
June - Tue 10th, Thu 12th, Tue 17th, Thu 19th, Tue 24th, Thu 26th.
July - Tue 1st, Thu 3rd , Tue 8th, Thu 10th, Tue 15th, Thu 17th, Tue 22nd, Thu 24th, Tue 29th & Thu 31st.
The Level 3 HGV Transport Manager Certificate of Professional Competence (CILT accredited) is the minimum qualification that required to for someone to act as either a Transport Manager or an External Transport manager and to be named on an Operator’s Licence and being fully compliant with the Goods Vehicles (Licensing of Operators) Act 1995.
Our CILT Transport Managers CPC course is run online by friendly and knowledgeable instructors and offers the most comprehensive and cost effective method of completing the qualification in the comfort of your own home.
The course covers the following topics:
- Civil Law - Including business law, contracts of carriage and insurance
- Commercial Law - Including business structures and types of shares
- Social Law - Including health & safety rules, drivers’ hours, and licensing
- Fiscal Law - Including taxation and levies
- Business & Financial Management of the Undertaking - Including financial management, commercial conduct, marketing, and vehicle costings
- Access to the Market - Including operator licensing, permits and international documentation
- Technical Standards & Technical Aspects of Operation - Including maintenance, load sizes and inspections
- Road Safety - Including licensing, traffic laws, procedures, and security of goods
During the course you will receive remote access to our trainers, a handbook and access to our online learning portal giving the opportunity to practice numerous exam questions and case studies. The day before the exam we provide a full day of revision session help to ensure that you are fully prepared for your examinations. that can be taken either online from home or work, or at an approved training centre.
Exams can be taken either online from home or work, or at an approved training centre. The exam day consists of two exams, both of which must be passed to gain the Transport Manager CPC qualification.
- A multiple-choice examination module which lasts for 2 hours.
- An examination based on case studies which lasts for 2 hours 15 minutes.
Our price includes
- Full instructor lead learning
- Online portal giving access to practice questions and case studies
- Paper based Handbook delivered direct to you door
- Revision Day
- All Exam Fees. (with the exception of resits)
- Flexible payment terms - PayPal or Pay it Monthly