Create Your Talk Playshop
Wed Feb 5, 2025 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM PST
Online, Zoom
Create Your Talk Playshop:
How to Craft Your One-of-A-Kind, Soulmate Client Attracting Transformation Talk
This is not a workshop where you copy-paste a cookie-cutter, "speak to sell,' 45 minute long commercial type talk.
In this playshop, you'll create your one-of-a-kind Transformation Talk.
Where you speak to serve.
Where you hold space for your soulmate clients' transformation and then invite them to continue with you, if it feels aligned and it serves their transformational journey.
With our Transformation Talks, we can each do our part to help change the world, one room at a time.
(And yes. You can earn $$$ while you serve.)
Playshops are FREE for first-timers.
You deposit $33 to hold your spot. When you show up to the Playshop, you get your money back.
Here's why I'm doing this:
Transformation brings out the soul suckers.
Those inner critic critters have a nasty habit of creating static in our minds that makes us put everyone and everything else in our lives ahead of what we really truly want.
That $33 deposit is one way to commit to yourself. A little extra something-something to help motivate you to show up and claim your soul’s desire.
I hope to see you there!