Wed 9 Oct 2024 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Chichester City Council, Council House, The Assembly Room, Chichester, PO19 1LQ
We would be thrilled if you could join us for the biggest event of our calendar year!
We will be joined this year by Hannah Clay of Sussex Community Foundation. Hannah will be introducing their grant making scheme and share the latest information abut their funding priorities.
This will be followed by a key note speech from The High Sheriff of West Sussex Mrs Philippa Gogarty.
Finishing with the opportunity to network whilst enjoying a delicious lunch provided by The Aldingbourne Trust.
A little bit about how our AGM works…
The Annual General Meeting is the point in the year when we update our members on the work we have been doing over the last year. We do this by presenting the Charities Annual accounts and Trustees Annual Report. We also appoint new Trustees and we appoint the Auditors.
It is important that we have our members at the AGM because you are there to vote on the matters which we require a decision. For example voting in Trustees and the Auditors. We ask for a Proposer and you can raise your hand to act as a proposer. Then we ask for a Seconder and require a different person to raise their hand to act as a seconder.
This year we will asking our members to consider and vote on a special resolution to adopt updated Articles of Association (the “Articles”) of the Charity. The purpose of the update is to ensure the Charity has a set of Articles which are fit for purpose and up to date with current charity and company law requirements. These will be made available on our website to view before the AGM.
When you register on the day we will remind you if you are a member so you know you can confidently raise your hand and be a proposer or seconder!
About our keynote speaker …
Philippa is the co-founder of Micro Scooters Ltd, which launched the original three-wheeled scooter for children in 2004 and became one of the top-selling and sustainable children’s brands of all time.
Before that, she worked with West London Hospitals as a campaign director to raise money for paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology. She has lived in West Sussex since 2006.
More recently, Philippa has been volunteering with migrants in northern France and she and her family gave refuge to a young Eritrean in 2018.She is a trustee of Sanctuary in Chichester and has helped organise the charity’s response to Afghans, Ukrainians and Asylum seekers. She has been involved locally in fundraising for various charities, including The Brilliant Breakfast for The Prince's Trust. Her voluntary work is informed by her Christian values and faith.
During her year as High Sheriff, Philippa intends to focus her efforts on highlighting the hardship caused by poverty and gaps in service provision, wishing to recognise the selfless acts of staff and volunteers alike who are working in law and order and the emergency services.
She will be at pains to promote inclusion, diversity and inter faith and looks forward to serving the varied and ever-evolving communities in West Sussex.
Chichester City Council, Council House, The Assembly Room, Chichester, PO19 1LQ