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Joining together to pay tribute and celebrate the Hispanic Stars
December 8th, 2022
The We Are All Human Gala 2022 | An evening dedicated to mobilizing support for the Hispanic community and celebrating the incredible contributions they made during the most challenging times of our lives.
This Gala makes a statement, joining together to step up for the Hispanic community.
We aim to elevate the key role Hispanics play in our society, highlight champions uplifting the community, celebrate the amazing Hispanic contributions, and mobilize support to eliminate the barriers they face.
We are committed to turn the general perception of Latinos from invisible to visible, from negative to positive, from takers to makers.
The Attendees
Business & organization leaders, celebrities and community members, Latinos and Allies
The Program
VIP Reception (Honorees, Chairs, Committee Members, Sponsors, VIP Ticket Holders)
Formal programming: Impact overview, inspiring stories, keynotes & Hispanic Star Awards
Concert & Fiesta celebration