Economic Evaluation of Restorative Justice launch event
Thu 29 Sep 2022 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM BST
Through our unique Economic Evaluation of Restorative Justice project, Why me? has conducted a rigorous evaluation of the costs and benefits of Restorative Justice. The research is targeted at informing national and local decision making around the funding and implementation of Restorative Justice. We are developing a simple and user-friendly economic model to be used to understand the financial and social impact of Restorative Justice interventions. The findings of the research will be presented in a published report.
This event will consist of two sessions.
In the first session Frank Grimsey Jones, who is the economist leading the project, will deliver a high level presentation on the methods and results of our research.
In the second session there will be a panel discussion with reflections on the research, including the implications for decision making and for future research. The panel will include:
- Lucy Jaffé, Director of Why me? (chair)
- Lisa Allam, Commissioning and Contracts Manager at Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire and Isle of Wight
- Jon Franklin, Chief Economist at Pro Bono Economics
- Professor Joanna Shapland, Edward Bramley Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Sheffield
- Frank Grimsey Jones, professional economist seconded to Why me?
By attending these sessions you will:
- Gain a comprehensive understanding of our research findings and methods, and how the research will contribute to creating a substantial Restorative Justice evidence base.
- Gain a greater understanding of how to measure and model the economic value of your work, and understand our model's potential for use in the implementation of Restorative Justice.
- Network with fellow professionals and stakeholders in the criminal justice and Restorative Justice sectors.
The event will be of particular interest to Restorative Justice commissioners, service managers, policy makers and researchers.
Whilst this is a free event, there is a cost to Why me? in running it. We would greatly appreciate a donation to help cover these costs so we can continue to offer these events. A donation can be added when you book your ticket. Thank you for your support.