Youth Justice Report Launch
Thu 16 Mar 2023 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM GMT
Online, MS Teams
Our Youth Justice Project focuses on improving restorative practices for young people and young adults. The work done within this project has enabled us to learn about the barriers preventing the wider use of Restorative Justice for young people and young adults, as well as help services address them at a high standard of practice. Our upcoming Youth Justice Report details our findings from the past two years of work and outlines our policy recommendations.
This event will see Project Lead Leah Robinson explain the work that has been completed on the project and, together with co-writer of the report Dr. Rebecca Banwell-Moore, talk through the findings and overall recommendations within the report. Attendees will learn about improving restorative practices for young people and young adults and will have the chance to ask questions directly to the authors of the report.
Over the past two years, we have completed partnerships with Youth Justice Services, conducted interviews and focus groups at Young Offender Institutions, collated qualitative and quantitative data through surveys and conducted restorative circles. There are three strands to the project and throughout the work we have done, we have been keen to ensure that the research is informed by the people themselves.
The three strands are:
Working with Youth Justice Services
Focusing on young adults aged 18-25
Exploring disparities in access to Restorative Justice for young people from Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority backgrounds.
Join us for an engaging session where we disseminate the learnings from two years of work.
While this is a free event, there is a cost to Why me? in running it. We would greatly appreciate a donation to help cover these costs so we can continue to offer these events. A donation can be added when you book your ticket. Thank you for your support.