Improvers' Course 2025
Wed 5 Feb 2025 19:30 - Sat 28 Jun 2025 16:00
Zoom & WNKLBA East Walton Apiary, Abbey Farm, East Walton, Norfolk, PE32 1PP
The Improvers' Course is available FREE to members who have completed the WNKLBA Introduction to Beekeeping Course (or equivalent) in 2024, provided that WNKLBA membership is renewed on time in January 2025.
The course will include:
- 2 theory sessions, to be held on Zoom on Wednesday evenings 5th and 19th February starting at 7.30pm
- a further Zoom session focussing on swarming on Wednesday 9th April at 7.30pm
- 4 practical sessions, to be held at East Walton Apiary, on afternoons Saturdays 22nd March, 12th
April, 17th May & 28th June from 2pm - approx 4pm - Bee Health Day, Saturday 10th May (VERY IMPORTANT - PLEASE SAVE THIS DATE).
- Saturday 9th August 2pm - approx 4pm (Autumn Treatment Day)
- Sunday 5th October - 10.30am - 1.30pm (TBC) (Preparation for the Next Season)
- Sunday 23rd Novmber 12 noon - 2pm (Winter Treatment day)
- NB - the dates of the last 3 sessions will be confirmed closer to the time and may change, dependent on weather conditions through the season.
While the Association makes no charge, it takes many hours of work by a large number of our volunteers to organise the course. Therefore we do ask that everyone who books a place makes every effort to attend the sessions. If you need to miss one or two then please let us know, with as much notice as possible, so that our limited volunteer resources can be deployed in the most effective way.
To register your interest, please click "Register for the Improvers' Course" above and complete your details. To register more than one person, just return to this page and click again to enter the 2nd person's details.
We look forward to seeing you there. If you have any questions about the course please email
Kind regards
WNKLBA Education Team