WINS Café Swansea / Caffi WINS Abertawe
Wed 5 Jun 2024 8:45 AM - 10:00 AM
The Environment Centre, SA1 1RY
Are your sustainability career or business ambitions being realised alongside a healthy work life balance?
A yw eich gyrfa cynaliadwyedd neu uchelgeisiau busnes yn cael eu gwireddu ochr yn ochr â chydbwysedd bywyd gwaith iach?
How often do you get the headspace to think deeply about how you can achieve your goals to help planet and people, with other demands and aspirations in your life?
Pa mor aml ydych chi'n cael yr amser a’r egnii feddwl yn ddwfn am sut y gallwch chi gyflawni eich nodau i helpu'r blaned a phobl, gyda gofynion a dyheadau eraill yn eich bywyd?
Juggling our careers with the rest of life can be challenging - especially when there are many (and often competing) factors demanding out time, energy and attention.
Taking time to pause and reflect is VITAL if you want to feel your progressing your career and flourishing in life.
So come and join Rhian Sherrington, Career Transitions Coach and Founder of the Women in Sustainability Network. and Tanya Nash, Sustainabity Consultant & Coach as they share their insights and coach tips to help you navigate a successful pathway through the complexity of the work life balance.
You'll come away with new tools, solutions and practices to support you, as well as having enjoyed a tasty breakfast of fruit, pastries, tea & coffee, AND have chatted with other talented, like-minded women working across the sustainability sectors in and around Swansea.
As space is limited, do book early!
Who is this event for?
Women in Sustainability Network gathers together women, and those identifying as women or non-binary, for a boost of inspiration, practical help and real connection, kindly supported by our host, The Environment Centre.
If your work focuses in some way on delivering the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) then this is a beautiful opportunity to meet and network with other like-minded women working in sustainability, growing vital connections that enhance your personal impact, business or career progression.
* You might be employed, work on a freelancer or consultant basis, or run your own business.
* You could be in the private, public or voluntary/ charitable sectors.
* You might be very established in your career or just starting out.
Our USP is that we bring you out of silos and isolation, into community and belonging.
Ar drothwy’r Wythnos Fawr Werdd, dewch i gael dechreuad da i’ch dydd Mercher gyda menywod dawnus eraill o'r un anian sy’n gweithio ar draws y sector cynaliadwyedd yn Abertawe.
Rydym yn casglu ynghyd menywod, a'r rhai sy'n nodi eu bod yn fenywod neu'n anneuaidd, i gael hwb o ysbrydoliaeth, cymorth ymarferol a chysylltiad go iawn. Cynhelir y digwyddiad yn garedig gan Ganolfan yr Amgylchedd.
Os yw'ch gwaith yn canolbwyntio mewn rhyw ffordd ar gyflawni'r Nodau Datblygu Cynaliadwy (SDG), yna mae hwn yn gyfle gwych i gwrdd a rhwydweithio â menywod eraill o'r un anian sy'n gweithio ym maes cynaliadwyedd, gan feithrin cysylltiadau hollbwysig sy'n gwella eich effaith bersonol, eich busnes neu'ch gyrfa.
Efallai eich bod yn gyflogedig, yn gweithio ar eich liwt eich hun, neu'n rhedeg eich busnes eich hun.
Gallech fod yn y sectorau preifat, cyhoeddus neu wirfoddol/elusennol.
Efallai eich bod wedi hen sefydlu yn eich gyrfa neu newydd ddechrau arni.
Ein Pwynt Gwerthu Unigryw (USP) yw ein bod yn dod â chi allan o seilos ac unigedd, i mewn i gymuned a pherthyn.
Gallwch ddisgwyl gofod wedi’i hwyluso’n ysgafn, sy’n cynnig cyfle i fyfyrio a chysylltu, o dan arweiniad Rhian Sherrington, Sylfaenydd a Phrif Hyfforddwr Rhwydwaith Menywod mewn Cynaliadwyedd, a Tanya Nash, Ymgynghorydd Cynaliadwyedd, Hyfforddwr a Hwylusydd, ochr yn ochr â theisennau brecwast, te a choffi.
Gan fod llefydd yn brin, archebwch yn gynnar!
About Us:
The Women in Sustainability Network is a thriving global women's network of sustainability professionals leading and creating the green transition in our organisations and communities.
WINS supports such women, and those identifying as women, to have the capacity, courage and community they need to flourish and lead in these times. We do that through the WINS Membership, Network events, WINS Cafes' and our digital presence.
But don't just take our word for it!
86% of our recent survey respondents said they would recommend us to female colleagues.
They also said...
"It's always been a welcoming, helpful and exciting place to meet new people, and learn new things"
"Inspiration, motivation, new ideas, new connections - feeling supported by an incredibly diverse array of fabulous females in this network - it's intangible but profound"
We've been running WINS Network events with panels/ speakers across the UK including Cardiff since 2014.
In this, our 10th year, we've decided to focus on creating smaller, more intimate gatherings called 'WINS Cafes' where the focus is on fostering real connection, sharing and learning from one another.
Amdanom Ni:
Mae'r Rhwydwaith Menywod mewn Cynaliadwyedd yn rhwydwaith menywod byd-eang ffyniannus o weithwyr proffesiynol ym maes cynaliadwyedd sy'n arwain ac yn creu'r trawsnewid gwyrdd yn ein sefydliadau a'n cymunedau.
Mae WINS yn cefnogi menywod o’r fath, a’r rhai sy’n nodi eu bod yn fenywod, i gael y gallu, y dewrder a’r gymuned sydd eu hangen arnynt i ffynnu ac arwain yn y cyfnod hwn. Gwnawn hynny drwy Aelodaeth WINS, digwyddiadau Rhwydwaith, Caffis WINS a’n presenoldeb digidol.
Ond peidiwch â chymryd ein gair ni yn unig!
Dywedodd 86% o ymatebwyr ein harolwg yn ddiweddar y byddent yn ein hargymell i gyd-weithwyr benywaidd.
Fe ddywedon nhw hefyd...
"Mae wastad wedi bod yn lle croesawgar, cymwynasgar a chyffrous i gwrdd â phobl newydd, a dysgu pethau newydd"
"Ysbrydoliaeth, cymhelliant, syniadau newydd, cysylltiadau newydd – cewch gefnogaeth gan amrywiaeth anhygoel o ferched gwych yn y rhwydwaith hwn – mae'n anodd i’w ddisgrifio ond yn addysgiadol."
Rydym wedi bod yn cynnal digwyddiadau Rhwydwaith WINS gyda phaneli/siaradwyr ledled y DU, gan gynnwys Caerdydd, ers 2014.
Yn ystod ein degfed flwyddyn, rydym wedi penderfynu canolbwyntio ar greu cynulliadau lleol, llai a mwy agos o'r enw 'Caffis WINS' lle canolbwyntiwn ar feithrin cysylltiad go iawn, rhannu, a dysgu oddi wrth ein gilydd.
- You just want to pitch your services or sell your products (especially if there's no real link to sustainability).
- You're not that interested in building meaningful connections and belonging to a community that's built on trust, collaboration and mutual support.
- Your work isn't related to shifting us into the green transition.
- You hate personal development and anything to do with connecting to nature or our feminine intelligence.
The Environment Centre, SA1 1RY