Spring Herb Workshop - herbs for vitality and a new season
Sat 5 Apr 2025 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Prestbury Village Hall, SK10 4BW
Join me to learn all about spring herbs and how they can support our health with the change of seasons.
There's a reason why herbs like Nettles Cleavers, Plantain and Dandelions appear in the spring and during this workshop you'll discover some of the folklore as well as the science and how these plants have historically been used to help our vitality.
You'll be welcomed with a spring juice shot to start the session and during the morning you'll get hands on to make your own bespoke spring tea blend for you to take home, choosing herbs to suit you, plus you'll also make a spring herbal vinegar to take home too.
We'll be meeting at Prestbury Village Hall for a 10am start and wrap up for 12.30pm. The Village Hall is a short walk from Prestbury village centre and there is on street free parking and limited rear parking at the rear of the building.
Gift vouchers are available if you'd like to give this workshop as a gift to a friend. Lots of people come to these workshops on their own and you'll be made to feel very welcome!
Herbal teas and seasonal refreshments will also be served.
I'm looking forward to welcoming in the spring with you,
Medical Herbalist
Woodside Apothecary
Prestbury Village Hall, SK10 4BW