Impact Investment Academy 2023
Thu 16 Nov 2023 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
BAFTA, 195 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9LN
Now in it’s 10th year the Impact Investment Academy, an event for like-minded Financial Advisers and fund selectors, will energise you for future market developments.
We are celebrating with an event that will energise collaboration, inspire positive action and connect change makers.
Working together
last decade has seen significant changes to the industry and to the nature of
sustainable investing itself. Working together we have all created something
bigger than ourselves.
It's personal
The whole energy of change in sustainable and impact investing has been generated through the actions of individual people not systems and laws. It's personal. It’s easy to think that we are powerless on our own and simply must wait on big government and financial institutions to change laws and macro structures. Real change involves real people making real choices.
Reflect and recalibrate
We will be reflecting on the progress over the last 10 years, what lessons we’ve learnt to enable us to recalibrate and position ourselves to meet the next challenges emerging on the horizon.
Join us and re-energise
Join us for this inspiring event as together we will energise the change required to meet the needs of sustainable investors in the coming years.
Academy checklist:
- Subject matter experts
- Great speakers
- Influencers
- Reboot your knowledge
- Networking with like-minded peers
Hope can you join us!
Refund policy
Please note that we can only offer refunds up to the date 6 weeks before the event. If you can no longer make the event and would like a refund for your ticket, please let us know before 5th October 2023.
BAFTA, 195 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9LN