Gweithdy Clai i Blant Children's Clay Workshop
Fri 4 Aug 2023 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Plas Brondanw, LL48 6SW
Cyfle i’r plant gael tro ar wneud gwaith clai gydag artistiaid preswyl Siw Thomas a Christine Mills. Bydd y darnau yn cael eu crasu yn ystod y gweithdy dilynol ar y 13 Awst, ond does dim rhaid mynychu’r ddau weithdy.
Rhaid i blant o dan 7 gael oedolyn yn bresennol
A chance for the children to have a go at some clay modelling with artists in residence Siw Thomas and Christine Mills. The clay pieces will be fired during the following workshop on the 13th August, but there is no requirement to attend both workshops.
Children under 7 must be accompanied by an adult
Plas Brondanw, LL48 6SW