Yorkshire EV Club Presents: EVs Up North 2024!
Sat 7 Sep 2024 9:45 AM - 5:00 PM
Rotherham Show, Clifton Park, Rotherham, Clifton Ln, Clifton, Rotherham S65 2AA
Arrival Time: Before 9:45am at the latest. There will be stewards on site to assist.
Address: 49 Clifton Ln, Rotherham S65 2AH (Clifton Lane Museum Car Park).
Let the stewards know that you are part of the Yorkshire EV Club and you need to head down towards the bandstand. Ensure your hazards are on throughout.
Please be careful as there are tight turns and people on site already.
If you do not have a ticket, you will not be allowed in and will have to find alternative parking
// Event Description
It's finally time for the Yorkshire EV Club's flagship event: EVs Up North!
We take over a part of the Rotherham Show to bring you as many Electric Vehicles as possible. We are happy to answer any questions about electric vehicles and hopefully speak to the general public about EV ownership.
We would love it if you could join us, as this is one of the largest EV events that the Yorkshire EV Club has on the calendar.
On top of this, the Rotherham Show is an excellent family day out, full of wonderful live music, theatre and fairground thrills!
Please Note: As for the last couple of years, you must arrive promptly on site before 9:45am, and your vehicle must stay on site until 5pm. This is a requirement as movement of vehicles is prohibited while the public are on site. When receiving event tickets, you agree to this condition.
Link to the Rotherham Show: https://www.rotherham.gov.uk/rotherham-show-3/rotherham-show-2024
Rotherham Show, Clifton Park, Rotherham, Clifton Ln, Clifton, Rotherham S65 2AA