Performance online Streaming with Lala
Sat 1 Feb 2025 9:30 PM - 11:00 PM CET
Our Kinbaku Live Sessions experienced an uninterrupted sequence of successes during the past years.
This time we are proud to offer a thrilling show with a top level body artist, restrained by Kirigami's challenging ties. Of course with Rope Tales' uncompromised video and audio quality.
We are also pleased to present our first online live streaming of a performance that also has an audience physically present in the studio.
Lala is a marvellous body performer, and she will be tied in a challenging session by Kirigami.
The model
My name is Miroslava Fernández “Lala” I am a multidisciplinary artist, teacher of movement and performing arts. I began my career in Mexico at the National Institute of Fine Arts where I graduated with a degree in Classical Dance, later I was part of different national and international contemporary and theatrical companies as a dancer, choreographer and creator, which led me to Madrid, Spain, where I live now.
My queer, kinky, creative and curious mind led me to develop in other more alternative fields, breaking with certain established regimes and intertwining my path within BDSM and ropes to my art.
The emotions that comes from being tied, those impalpable limits that leave me just on the verge of fading but enough to be in that suffering, with the body on the limit and deprived of movement, suffering that you long for to never end. These are the same emotions that I get only in 2 ways: dance and ropes.
The streaming
We will stream from Yugen Studio, finally equipped to provide the best possible streaming.
Kirigami and Lala will perform a sen***l and intensely acrobatic session, featuring intense semenawa and more.
Recording will be made available to download for those who book it in advance.
Late purchase of the recording will be more expensive.
Because of technical needs, bookings will be closed 3 hours before the show.
Don't miss this opportunity!