Open Course: Understanding Trauma & Core Principles of Trauma Informed Practice (2 workshops)
Fri 5 Jul 2024 09:15 - 13:00 BST
Online, MS TEAMS
Please note you are booking onto two consecutive workshops; Fri 05 July & Tues 16 July with this booking.
Zebra Collective is hosting a 2-session online workshop on Friday 05 July & Tuesday 16 July from 09:15-1pm via MS Teams.
The workshops offer a reflective learning space to explore Trauma Informed Practice. Zebra's unique approach weaves together learning from Trauma Informed Approaches, Strengths Based Practice and the Power Threat Meaning Framework (PTMF) to offer a non-pathologising approach to supporting people healing from trauma.
Workshop content:
Session 1. Understanding Trauma: definitions, causes, impacts
This session:
- defines trauma: establishing clarity on what it means – and what it doesn’t
- explores the causes, taking a critical look at the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study & looks at attachment, toxic stress & developmental trauma
- highlights the Other ACEs
- emphasises the 3 E’s of Trauma
- introduces & explores the key concept of protective factors
- introduces the Power Threat Meaning Framework (PTMF) as a radical approach to understanding emotional distress & well-being which helps create more hopeful understandings of people’s lives, strengths & difficulties that aren’t based on individual psychiatric diagnoses or psychological deficits & has the socio-political analyses of trauma at its heart.
Session 2. Trauma Informed Practice: Core Principles
This session:
- Introduces Zebra Collective’s 4 Core Elements of Trauma Informed Practice
- Relationship-based
- Shift in mindset
- Strengths-based
- Bearing witness