The event organiser, Intermission Youth, has the legal responsibility to tell ticket buyers and event attendees how their personal information will be collected and used. You can find their Privacy Policy below or contact them to request it.
Your personal data – what is it?
Names, titles and aliases, photographs;
Contact details such as telephone numbers, addresses and email addresses;Where they are relevant to our mission, or where you provide them to us, we may process demographic information of trustees, staff, volunteers and beneficiaries such as gender, age, date of birth, marital status, nationality, education/work histories, academic/professional qualifications, hobbies, family composition, and dependants;Also where relevant to our mission, or where you provide them to us, the data we process relating to trustees, staff, volunteers and beneficiaries may constitute special category data (previously known as sensitive personal data)2 and/or criminal offence data3;Where individuals make donations or other payments financial identifiers such as bank account numbers, payment card numbers, payment/transaction identifiers, policy numbers and claim numbers.How do we process your personal data?
We use your personal data for some or all of the following purposes:
We use your personal data for some or all of the following purposes:To enable us to meet all legal and statutory obligations;To carry out comprehensive safeguarding procedures (including due diligence and complaints handling) in accordance with best safeguarding practice from time to time with the aim of ensuring that all our beneficiaries, staff, volunteers and all others involved with Intermission Youth are provided with safe environments;To deliver the mission of Intermission Youth in furtherance of its Objects;To fundraise and promote the interests of Intermission Youth;To maintain our own accounts and records;To process a donation that you have made (including Gift Aid information);To seek your views or comments;To notify you of changes to our activities, events and role holders as deemed appropriate;To send you communications which you have requested and that may be of interest to you. These may include information about our charitable activities and our campaigns, appeals and other fundraising activities; andTo process a grant or application for a role.What is the legal basis for processing your personal data?
Special category data and criminal offence data
It is likely that we will need to share your data with some or all of the following (but only where necessary): Public and private bodies with which we have entered/or propose to enter into arrangements to assist us in delivering our mission. For example, we may share your data with other theatre companies and groups; various vocational and educational bodies; and bodies that assist us in delivering the Intermission Youth outreach programmes; Our agents and contractors. For example, we may ask a commercial provider to send out newsletters on our behalf, or to maintain our database software; and The Charity Commission for England and Wales, Companies House, Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (“HMRC”) and other regulatory or statutory bodies.How long do we keep your personal data?
Your rights and your personal data
1. The right to access information we hold on you
3. The right to have your information erased
4. The right to object to processing of your data
5. The right to data portability
• You can withdraw your consent easily by email or by post (see Contact Details below).
7. The right to object to the processing of personal data where applicable.
8. The right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”).
We keep this Privacy Notice under regular review and we will place any updates on our website.
This Notice was last updated in January 2020.
We are registered with the ICO under reference number ZA609654.
Please contact us if you have any questions about this Privacy Notice, or the information we hold about you, or to exercise all relevant rights, queries or complaints at: The Data Controller, Intermission Youth, 124 City Road, London EC1V 2NX Email: You can contact the ICO on 0303 123 1113 or via email or at the Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Intermission Youth
April 2022
Company number: 12359502 Registered charity number: 1190391 Intermission Youth is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales whose registered office is at 124 City Road, London EC1V 2NX
1The Objects are set out at Article 1 of our Articles of Association and they are reproduced in the appendix to this Notice.
2Special category data is:
- Personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin;
- Personal data revealing political opinions;
- Personal data revealing religious or philosophical beliefs;
- Personal data revealing trade union membership;
- Genetic data;
- Data concerning health;
- Data concerning a person’s sex life; and
- Data concerning a person’s sexual orientation.
3Criminal offence data is personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences or related security measures.
Objects of Intermission Youth as set out at Article 3 of its Articles of Association
“1. Objects
1.1 The Objects of the Charity are for the public benefit to advance in life and help young people from socially and economically disadvantaged communities and particularly, but not limited to, young people from such communities in Greater London and other such communities in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as a means of:-
(1) developing the skills, capacities and capabilities of young people to enable them to participate in society as independent, mature and responsible individuals;
(2) advancing education;
(3) relieving unemployment; and
(4) providing recreational and leisure time activity in the interests of social welfare for young people who have need by reason of their social and economic circumstances with a view to improving their conditions of life;
- and in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, through the performing arts including but not limited to the field of drama in the form of theatre, film and television by the provision, or assisting in the provision, of productions, workshops, summer schools, training, outreach programmes and mentoring and pastoral support.
In these Objects “young people” means children and young persons up to the age of 25 years.”