Privacy Policy for Loboski Farm

The event organizer, Loboski Farm, has the legal responsibility to tell ticket buyers and event attendees how their personal information will be collected and used. You can find their Privacy Policy below or contact them to request it.

Data about our users:

We only use the data that buyers provide to us for the purpose of ticketing information, delivery and communications between Loboski Farm and the buyer. We do not send marketing or research. 

Your data is held by Ticket Tailor and within their own service provision. Loboski Farm cannot be responsible for any security bridges or any leak of data within the ticketing sales platform as it is outside the jurisdiction of New Zealand.

It is important to note that we take photographs and video, which is used for the promotion of our events and also to promote the bands who play at the event. When you agree to buy a ticket you also agree that there may be pictures or film with you in them. Should you object to this please let the camera crew know on the day of the event.