Privacy Policy for Revitalise Connecting People

The event organiser, Revitalise Connecting People, has the legal responsibility to tell ticket buyers and event attendees how their personal information will be collected and used. You can find their Privacy Policy below or contact them to request it.

Privacy Notice

Revitalise Connecting People Limited takes your data privacy seriously. In order to provide you with our services we collect and use personal data which means that we are a ‘Data Controller’ and we are responsible for and committed to protecting your privacy and complying with the UK General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), Data Protection Act 2018 and any subsequent laws or regulations applicable.

In this Privacy Notice, we want to inform you what information we collect, how we use it and what rights individuals have in relation to the collection and processing of their personal data.

Our Contact Details

Revitalise Connecting People Limited


Tel: 07855173078

If you have any questions in respect of this Privacy Notice or how we manage your personal data, please contact us.

Who’s information do we collect?

We collect personal data in the course of delivering our services. This can belong to clients, event guests, enquirers, contracted associates, suppliers and individuals nominated as points of contact.

What personal data we collect and process

We collect the following types of data:

  • General contact details such as, Name, Address, email address, Telephone number
  • Details of Membership Services provided to you
  • Your role and business activities
  • General Communications between you and us in relation to your membership
  • Financial Details – such as payment or bank details
  • Information obtained through our use of cookies (please see the Cookies and Similar Technologies)
  • Your marketing preferences

Special Categories of Personal Data that we collect:

We do not collect special categories of data

How we collect your information

In most cases / We collect your data directly from you. We collect data and process it when you

  • Make enquiries or Register for membership
  • Complete a membership or contact form
  • Register for or attend one of our events
  • During a Consultation appointment with us
  • Speak to us on the telephone to discuss or use our products / Membership Service
  • Email or write to us to enquire about or use our products / Membership Service
  • View our website or Digital Business Card via your browsers cookies (see our Cookie Policy)

We also receive your data indirectly from the following sources:

  • Social Media Sites
  • Public sources – demographic data, Market Research
  • Credit Agencies
  • If you are a nominated contact point for a member or guest – they may provide us with your

Please Remember: Where you provide any of this information relating to or on behalf of another individual such as a nominated contact, you must remember to ensure that you have the consent of the individual and provide them with a copy of or access to this Privacy Notice.

Why we do we collect your information?

Where we collect and process personal data, we identify both the purpose and legal basis for doing so. There are 6 possible legal bases which are:

– where we have consent from the individual to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purpose

Contract – where the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract

Legal Obligation – The processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject

Vital Interests – Where the processing is necessary in order to protect the vital interests of the data subject or another natural person

Public Interest – Where the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller

Legitimate Interests - Where the processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of
personal date, in particular where the data subject is a child.

Our purpose and legal basis for the information we collect, and process allows us to:


Where we rely on your consent you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time by contacting us. Full contact details can be found at the beginning of this notice.

Legitimate Interests - Where the processing of personal data is based on our Legitimate Interests, it is generally where individuals would expect us to use their information in this way as a business connector. It is also to improve on our service, security and prevent fraud or illegal activity in favour
of the wellbeing of our members.

Direct Marketing

We may send you details of similar services to those you have enquired about or purchased from us previously. You can opt out of receiving this information from us at any time by contacting us at the above address or clicking ‘unsubscribe’ on any messages you may receive.
We will never share or sell your information to any other party for marketing purposes.

Who we share your information with?

From time to time we may share your personal information with other companies in the Revitalise Group or with the following third parties for the purposes set out above:

  • Other third parties who process data on our behalf such as software providers, Scheduling Services, Payment Services Providers or Admin Support
  • Contact details only with Revitalise members you have met or been introduced to at anevent
  • Accountants, Auditors, Legal and Professional Advisors
  • Specialist Experts for example website operators, Marketing Companies
  • Fraud detection Agencies
  • Police and Law Enforcement agencies where reasonably necessary for the prevention or detection of crime
  • Business Services and Debt Collection Agencies
  • Selected Third Parties in connection with the sale, transfer or disposal of our business

International data transfers

Although we don’t process your information outside of the UK or EEA, with today’s modern technology including Cloud Storage and software, some recipients of your personal data can be located outside your country or have offices in countries where data protection laws may
provide a different level of protection than the laws in your country.

Where this is the case, we make sure that additional safeguards are in place such as ensuring that those countries have a decision of adequacy or have included standard contract clauses in their terms to support the protection of your data.

Automated decision-making or Profiling

We do not process personal data for automated decision making or profiling

How Long do we keep personal data for?

We will retain personal data in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements and for no longer than is necessary to fulfil the purposes set out in this privacy policy. We maintain and review a detailed retention policy which documents how long we will hold different types of data. The time
period will depend on the purpose for which we collected the information and is never on an indefinite basis. Subsequently, we will delete your personal data in accordance with our data retention and deletion policy or take steps to properly render the data anonymous, unless we are
legally obliged to keep your personal data longer (e.g. for tax, accounting or auditing purposes). 

The following details the criteria used to establish the retention period set out within our policy.

Where it is still necessary for the provision of our Services

This includes the duration of any contract for services we have sold to you and for a period of 24 months after the end of any subscription or membership with a view to maintaining and improving the performance of our products, keeping our systems secure, and maintaining appropriate business and financial records. Most of our retention periods are determined on the basis of this general

Where required by Statutory, contractual or other similar obligations

Corresponding storage obligations may arise, for example, from laws or regulation. It may also be necessary to store personal data with regard to pending or future legal disputes. Personal data contained in contracts, notifications and business letters may be subject to statutory storage
obligations depending on national law.

Your Rights as a data subject

As a data subject, you have rights in relation to your personal data. These are:

The Right to Access – You have the right to request details of personal information held or
processed and to copies of this data. We do not usually charge for this service.

The Right to Rectification – You have the right to request that any information be corrected that you
believe is inaccurate or to complete any information that you believe is incomplete.

The Right to Erasure – You have the right to request that we erase your personal information under
certain conditions

The Right to Restrict Processing – You have the right to request that we restrict the processing of
your personal data under certain circumstances

The Right to Object to Processing – You have the right to object to our processing of your data,
under certain conditions.

The Right to Data Portability – You have the right to request that we transfer the data that we have
collected to another organisation or directly to you, under certain conditions.

You also have the Right to Withdraw Consent where you have previously provided this at any time.

To do so, please contact: Name, address to withdraw consent.

To exercise any of these rights, please contact us using the details at the beginning of this notice.

We encourage you to come to us immediately with any feedback or complaints. You also have the right to complain to the Supervisory Authority. In the UK, where you wish to report a complaint or feel that we have not addressed your concern in a satisfactory manner, you may contact the
Information Commissioner’s Office at:

Information Commissioners Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF

Helpline: 0303 123 1113

Online Enquiries:

Contractual Obligations and Consequences

In some circumstances, the provision of personal data is partly required by law (for example, tax regulations, legal obligations) or can also result from contractual provisions. This means that it may sometimes be necessary to conclude or fulfil a contract, that the personal data be provided. In
those circumstances where the data is not provided or where certain rights are exercised, (Erasure, Object) there is a possible consequence that the contract could not be fulfilled or concluded and your membership may be cancelled. In such an event refunds would not usually be provided.
Cookies & Similar Technologies When you visit us via our Website or Digital Business Card, we use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better, faster and safer user experience or to show you personalised advertising. Cookies are small text files that are automatically created by your browser and stored on your device when you visit or use the Website.

For full information on our use of cookies and how to manage them, please see our Cookie Policy

External Links

When clicking on external links via our website, where you find us via social media platforms, or where you register or sign up to event platforms please remember, we have no control over the privacy settings on these domains or platforms, so please review the privacy information on those
sites and set your preferences in line with their own policies and cookie controls separately. 


We do not record networking events without prior consent of all attendees. Where you attend any virtual event your image and name will be visible to other attendees. Video / Webcam images are optional and can be disabled by you at any time. You also have the option to amend how your name
appears should you choose to anonymise this.

Where you collect details of attendees or information shared via chat functions, please remember that you are responsible for and must comply with Data Protection Laws and Regulations including the UK GDPR and the PECR (Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations) in relation to any
processing you intent to carry out using those details including any intended marketing of your services.

Data security

We aim to protect your personal data through technical and organisational security measures to minimise risks associated with data loss, misuse, unauthorised access and unauthorised disclosure and alteration.

We store customer records on devices which have controlled and restricted access. We operate records management and Information security policies which detail physical security, security monitoring, access control and password security measures. We also maintain and use anti-virus
and malware software and firewalls at all times.

Changes to our Privacy Notice

All businesses change from time to time. At Revitalise Connecting People Limited, we keep our Privacy Notice under regular review. 

This Privacy Notice was last updated on 29th October 2021.