Beaconsfield Town Branch Christmas Fizz and Canapés
Sat 21 Dec 2024 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Beaconsfield Town Branch invites you to a wonderful afternoon of Christmas drinks and canapés on Saturday 21st December, from 12 noon until 2pm.
Held with the kind permission of Deirdre Holloway, at her beautiful home in Beaconsfield, come join in our festive fun! The address is: Chelsea House, 13 London End
Beaconsfield, HP9 2HN. Spaces are limited for this exclusive event, so please book early to avoid disappointment.
Tickets cost £15 & are available by clicking here which includes drinks and canapés. The dress code is festive, and we will have a raffle for fundraising.
Any member that needs help booking can reach out to me on 07543 654548, at, or to the BCCA office.
Looking forward to good times with great people; see you there!