Campaign to End Loneliness International Conference. Loneliness: The next five years. Recordings
Mon 12 Feb 2024 4:00 PM - Thu 4 Apr 2024 5:00 PM GMT
Online, Conference
If you missed our international conference on the 8 February 2024, you can access all of the panels and keynote discussions through our recorded sessions. You won't be able to interact with other delegates or speakers, but all the sessions will be available to you up until 30 April 2024.
In 2018, the UK Government appointed the world’s first minister for loneliness and launched its first loneliness strategy. Five years on, there has been concerted action by government and all parts of society, as well as a global pandemic, that led almost all of us to live in physical isolation and to reflect on the meaning of our relationships.
As we look forward to the #NextFiveYears, let's continue to move the issue forwards.
10am - Welcome
Welcome to Loneliness: The Next Five Years
- Paul Cann OBE (Campaign to End Loneliness)
10:05am - Keynote
Who is at most risk of loneliness? Findings from the WCPP Loneliness Inequalities Evidence Review
- Professor Manuela Barreto (University of Exeter)
10:30am - Panel session
Loneliness inequalities: How organisations are responding
- Richard Kramer, CEO (Sense)
- Sam Higgins, EDIB Officer (Re-engage)
- Tom Cottam, Head of Policy (British Red Cross)
- Andrew Wileman, Assistant Director (The Salvation Army)
11:30am - Morning break
- Building Trusted Relationships, a short film from Cyrenians
- Time to Care - Sam's story, a short film from Sky's Time to Care programme
11:40am - Morning parallel session 1 of 2
Young people and loneliness: What are the drivers of youth loneliness and how can we address it?
- Shaun Friel, Director (Childline)
- Ed Molony, CEO (University of Salford Students Union)
- Molly Taylor, Youth Activist (Alone No More)
- Kayleigh Wainwright, Director, Youth Initiative (UK Youth)
- Lily Verity, Post Doctoral Research Assistant (University of Manchester)
11:40am - Morning parallel session 2 of 2
Tackling loneliness through the built environment: How can we create a spread of inclusive, accessible places that foster social connection?
- Julia Thrift, Director of Healthier Placemaking (Town and Country Planning Association)
- Jennie Savage, Public Realm Project Officer (London Borough Tower Hamlets)
- Danna Walker, CEO (Built By Us)
- Dr Lorna Wang, Deputy Head, Department of Hospitality (University of Surrey)
12:30pm - Lunchtime break
- Project UnLonely showcase, celebrating the power of storytelling in film that give voice to loneliness and represent the many lived experiences.
1pm - Winning entries from the poster presentation competition
- Vanessa Wenig, Research Associate (Charité - Universitaetsmedizin Berlin)
- Georgina Everett, Impact and Evaluation Manager (Re-engage)
- Dr Mary Quinton, Assistant Professor in Sport and Exercise Psychology (University of Birmingham)
- Esther Platt, Head of Learning and Evaluation (The Warm Welcome Campaign)
1:55pm - A message from the UK Minister for Loneliness, The Rt Hon Stuart Andrew MP
- The breadth and depth of work happening across the United Kingdom to address loneliness.
2pm - Welcome and Afternoon Keynote
The global response to loneliness
- Christopher Mikton, Technical Officer (World Health Organization)
- Edward Garcia Founder and Chair (Foundation for Social Connection)
- Jakob Forssmed (Swedish Minister for Social Affairs and Public Health)
2:30pm - Panel session
Tech and togetherness: How can digital tools help to build online and offline connections?
- Lauren Bowes Byatt, Deputy Director (Nesta)
- Daniela Uzoho, Communities Executive (Sky Up)
- Lucy Osler, Lecturer (Cardiff University)
- Karen Harris, Founder (StoriBoard)
3:20pm - Afternoon break
- Why music and connecting across generations is crucial for our wellbeing, a short film from IMM and Intergenerational England
- If They Grow, They Grow, a short film by Thick & Tight (Daniel Hay-Gordon & Eleanor Perry with Carl Harrison) together with members of the 'Meet Me' Group from The Albany. Meet Me is a partnership project between Entelechy Arts and the Albany.
3:30pm - Afternoon parallel session 1 of 2
The role of arts and creativity in addressing loneliness
- Professor Helen Chatterjee, Professor of Human and Ecological Health (UCL)
- Jane Rich, CEO (Cambridge Community Arts)
- Charlotte Miller, Director (Intergenerational Music Making)
- Leonardo Bravo, Director of Public Engagement (MoMA)
3:30pm - Afternoon parallel session 2 of 2
Networks and places: Creating a system-wide approach to tackling loneliness
- Su Moore, CEO (Jo Cox Foundation)
- Ben Brown, Consultant in Public Health (East Sussex County Council)
- Mathias Lasgaard, Professor (University of Southern Denmark)
- Dr Bodgan Chiva Giurca, Clinical Lead and Global Director (The National Academy for Social Prescribing)
4:20pm - Fireside chat
Lonely narratives: authors reflect on loneliness
- Nancy Hey, Executive Director, What Works Centre for Wellbeing
- Dr Radha Modgil, author of 'Know Your Own Power'
- Kim Samuel, author of 'On Belonging: Finding Connection in an Age of Isolation'
4:55pm - Closing remarks
Thank you and closing remarks from the Campaign to End Loneliness
- Paul Cann OBE (Campaign to End Loneliness)