Real-time reporting and analytics

Make data-driven decisions and stay on top of trends with our real-time, user-friendly reporting and analytics tools.

Don't just take our word for it!

4.9/5 Capterra

4.9/5 G2

4.8/5 Google

People at table working

Performance at a glance

From selling your first ticket to selling out completely, you're in complete control. Our simple analytics dashboard provides a clear overview of total tickets sold, revenue, event views, and more – so you can keep your finger on the pulse.

Slice and dice your data

As well as dashboard overviews, there are a number of handy reports to help simplify your data. You can easily filter and export reports, as well as 'star' your favourites to save time.

  • Report on your revenue, ticket sales and more
  • Enjoy easy visuals like pie charts and timelines
  • Export ready-made reports and raw data
  • Dive deeper with our Google Analytics integration
Reporting and Analytics illustration

Running recurring events?

Time slot heat maps provide a handy way to visually see which time slots and dates are selling best, helping to inform your pricing strategy, marketing and operations.

Learn about time slot ticketing

Check-in app reporting

If you're using our robust Check-in app, you'll have access to real-time check-in data. This means you can monitor progress whether you're scanning tickets at the door or still setting up behind the scenes.

Learn about our Check-in app
Event Creator Julie Moonlee
As someone who's not super tech-savvy, Ticket Tailor is so easy to use. My favourite part is that I can see how many people are checked-in from my phone, so I can follow along from backstage.

Julie Moonlee, Party Like Gatsby, Germany

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