Hot for Teacher - Volume 14
Thu Apr 20, 2023 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Vauxhall @ The Ramble Hotel, 80205
Come see the latest performance and taping of Hot for Teacher! If this is your first show, Hot for Teacher is a show that presents real stories told by real teachers. For storytelling fans, H4T is a lot like The Moth, just the stories told on our stage all take us back to school.
*SHOW 7:00pm
While these educators are showing up at night to turn in some late work, no hot topic is off-topic (though sources may not be cited). Whether it's tales about field trips, detention, substitute teaching, parent conferences, caught cheating or passing period, you can count on these teacher storytellers to make the grade and entertain.
All seating is GA so get there early to start drinking and save your seats. The venue will also have snacks for sale.
Vauxhall @ The Ramble Hotel, 80205