Principles and Practice of Intercultural Dramaturgy - ISTR Webinar
Wed 31 Jan 2024 16:00 - 17:00 GMT
Online, Zoom
Irish Society for Theatre Research Webinar: Principles and Practice of Intercultural Dramaturgy
Join Dr. Sarah Hoover, She/Her, (University of Galway) and Dr. Karen Jean Martinsen, She/Her, (University of Arizona) in conversation discussing Principles and Practice of Intercultural Dramaturgy.
Speaker Bios:
Dr Sarah Hoover (She/Her) is a dramaturg, lecturer and researcher focusing on immersive and interactive performance and audience-centred dramaturgy. Her specialisms include artistic research methodologies, new material feminisms and multimodal digital humanities approaches. Currently, she is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Galway, working on the EU Horizon2020 project CLS INFRA, a four-year partnership to build shared DH resources of high-quality data, tools and knowledge. Forthcoming publications include Reflective Affective Dramaturgies: larping audiences into theatre, Palgrave Macmillan 2024, and “Theatre and Performance Studies and RPGS” in Role-Playing Games: Transmedia Foundations, Routledge 2024. She is also currently dramaturg to two productions, Yaqui & Béal: Yoeme and Irish in Conversation by Esther Almazán and OtherWorld Post Office by Jenni Nikinmaa. Hoover sits on the Executive Committee of ISTR.
Karen Jean Martinson, PhD, (she/her,/hers) is an Assistant Professor of Dramaturgy in the School of Music, Dance and Theatre in the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts at Arizona State University. Her scholarly and creative work explores the intersection of contemporary USAmerican performance, consumer culture, neoliberalism, and the processes of identification, interrogating issues of race, class, gender, and sexuality. She also writes and talks (constantly) about dramaturgy and dramaturgical thinking. Her manuscript, Make the Dream Real: World-Building Through Performance by El Vez, The Mexican Elvis, is forthcoming with Intellect Press. Martinson has developed her robust dramaturgical approach over the past two decades, and has worked on socially-engaged theatre that considers issues of race and racial oppression, the impacts of gun violence, intergenerational trauma, the Indian Industrial Boarding School System, issues of mobility in underprivileged communities, and now the impending climate crisis. Her scholarship has been featured in such journals as The LMDA Review, Theatre Annual, Theatre Topics, Theatre Journal, Cultural Studies ó Critical Methodologies, and Popular Entertainment Studies. Martinson currently serves as the VP Advocacy for the Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas (LMDA), was Secretary of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE), and is active in the American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR), the American Theatre and Drama Society (ATDS), and the Mid-America Theatre Conference (MATC). She was awarded the Leon Katz Award for Teaching and Mentoring by LMDA in 2023.