Press conference with Renaud Camus - Correcting misinformation about "The Great Replacement"
Thu 11 May 2023 18:00 - 20:00
Clarion Hotel & Congress Oslo Airport / Comfort Hotel Runway, 2060
What: Press conference with Renaud Camus
When: 11th of May 2023
Where: To be announced
Ticket: Free
The French writer Renaud Camus coined the phrase "The Great Replacement", which is misleadingly depicted as a conspiracy theory in the media. There are conspiracy theorists who have hijacked Camus' phrase, but the phrase itself is not a theory, but a name designating an ongoing demographic process. In the book You Will Not Replace Us!, Camus explains how he got the idea for the phrase and what he means by it.
On the occasion of the publication of You Will Not Replace Us! in Norwegian, Legatum Publishing invites you to an open press conference conducted in English with Renaud Camus. All attendees, both journalists and others, will have the opportunity to ask questions to Camus, who will be participating digitally from France. Before the question round, there will be a conversation between Renaud Camus and researcher at NTNU Øyvind Eikrem, who has written the foreword to the Norwegian edition of the book. The conversation will clear up several widespread misunderstandings.
The event takes place at Clarion Hotel & Congress Oslo Airport / Comfort Hotel Runway, Hans Gaarders vei 15, 2060 Gardermoen
Room: Teminal 1. Thursday the 11th of May at 18:00 CET. The event will be streamed live from Legatum Publishing's Youtube channel.
Facts about "The Great Replacement":
It is a name denominating an ongoing demographic process in Western countries
Renaud Camus got the idea for the phrase when he was travelling in France and saw how thousand-year-old villages had gotten completely different inhabitants than they have had historically
The expression spread in the public eye after Camus' publication of the book The Great Replacement in 2011
Other names for the same process are "replacement migration" (used by the UN [1]) and "creolization" (used by the French leftist politician Jean-Luc Mélenchon[2])
The process is well documented by official statistics from e.g. France [3], Great Britain [4] [5], USA [6] and Norway [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
Current US President Joe Biden stated in 2015 that this demographic process will make whites a minority in the US, and that this is a positive thing Americans can be proud of [13]
When the media refer to people who are negative to the process and call it "The Great Replacement", the angle is typically to portray them as far-right conspiracy theorists, or that their worldview and rhetoric can inspire racist violence [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
The media do not portray the process as a conspiracy theory when it is referred to neutrally or positively [19] [20] [21] [22] [23]
The angle "this worldview can lead to violence" is used selectively by the media against certain groups. It is not used, for example, against Black Lives Matter, whose worldview is shared by people who carry out or celebrate killings of police officers [24] [25] [26], or Muslims who consider the Quran, which contains explicit calls to kill infidels [27] [28], to be the infallible word of God
1 United Nations Secretariat, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Populations Division. 2000, 21st of March. Replacement Migration: Is it A Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?
2 Jean-Luc Mélenchon on France Inter, 3rd of January 2022: “Creolization is not a [political] program, it is a reality.”
3 France Stratégie. 2020, June. Quelle évolution de la ségrégation résidentielle en France?
4 Office for National Statistics. In 1991, London's population was 97% white British.
5 Greater London Authority. 2019. London’s diverse population. In 2019, London's population was 39% white British.
6 United States Census Bureau. 2015, March. Projections of the Size and Composition of the U.S. Population: 2014 to 2060. “By 2044, more than half of all Americans are projected to belong to a minority group (any group other than non-Hispanic White alone)”.
7 Statistisk Sentralbyrå. 2017, 1st of November. Betydningen for demografi og makroøkonomi av innvandring mot 2100. “In 2100, immigration and emigration as of 2016 will have generated a population increase of 8.5 - 4.3 = 4.2 million. In addition, the 2100 population in the 0-scenario will consist of more than 0.2 million people who either immigrated before 2016 or have parents who both immigrated before 2016. Together, these groups make up 52 percent of the population in 2100.”
8 Statistisk Sentralbyrå. 2019, 4th of April. Færre fødte og flere eldre gir sterkere aldring. In 2018, 31 percent of newborns in Norway had a background from immigration.
9 Statistisk Sentralbyrå. 2020, 27th of February. Me vart 39 400 fleire i 2019. A collocation of this and Statistisk Sentralbyrå’s above-mentioned report from 2019 shows that less than half of the population growth in Norway in 2019 came from indigenous Norwegians.
10 Statistisk Sentralbyrå. 2022, 5th of July. Innvandring vil sørge for befolkningsveksten fra 2050.
11 Aftenposten. 2020, 9th of February. Skolene der minoritet er majoritet. «At 51 of Oslo's 136 primary and secondary schools, minority-language students are in the majority. At nine of the primary schools, over 90 per cent of the children have a mother tongue other than Norwegian. Additionally ten schools have between 80 and 90 per cent minority-language pupils.»
12 Aftenposten. 2023, 5th of February. Ikke helt fargeblinde. «In 50 primary schools in Oslo, more than 50 per cent of the pupils have a mother tongue other than Norwegian.»
13 The statement was made at a luncheon at the US State Department for Brazil's then president Dilma Rousseff on the 17th of February 2015.
14 Aftenposten. 2019, 5th of February. De er unge, sinte og tar til orde for folkemord og å kaste ut migranter. De tror på «Den store utskiftningen».
15 Dagbladet. 2022, 16th of May. Hyller norske høyreekstreme terrorister.
16 Hilde Øvrebekk in Stavanger Aftenblad. 2019, 16th of May. Nei, jorden er ikke flat, og migranter vil ikke utrydde den europeiske sivilisasjonen.
17 Anne Bitsch in Agenda Magasin. 2023, 16th of February. Bak høyresidens glansbilde.
18 Une Bratberg in Vårt Land. 2021, 21th of May. TV-kjendisen normaliserer ekstrem retorikk. Uansett om det var intensjonen eller ei.
19 BBC. 2013, 20th of February. Why have the white British left London?
20 Anders Slettholm in Aftenposten. 2023, 23rd of January. På veldig lang sikt vil nordmenn dø ut. Men frykt ikke.
21 VG/NTB. 2017, 4th of December. Nesten 1,3 millioner har innvandret til Norge siden 1990.
22 Le Point. 2020, 22nd of September. Jean-Luc Mélenchon salue la «créolisation» de la société française.
23 Aftenposten. 2020, 8th of February. Det var et lite stykke Norge i USA. Nå kalles det «Little Mogadishu». «America's white population will be in the minority in 25 years.»
24 New York Times. 2016, 8th of July. Five Dallas Officers Were Killed as Payback, Police Chief Says.
25 New York Times. 2017, 30th of July. Gunman Called Police Shootings a ‘Necessary Evil’ in a Suicide Note.
«The man ... carried out his ambush ‘to create substantial change within America’s police force and judicial system’».
26 AP News. 2020, 30th of September. Man charged in shooting of 2 Los Angeles County deputies.
«A handful of protesters gathered outside the hospital where the deputies were treated and tried to block the emergency room entrance. Videos from the scene recorded protesters shouting expletives at police and at least one yelling ‘I hope they ... die. ’»
27 Surah 9:5. «And when the inviolable months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush!»
28 Surah 2:191. «Kill them wherever you come upon them and drive them out of the places from which they have driven you out»
Contact info:
Tore Rasmussen
Legatum Publishing
Mobile: +47 465 34 393
Photo: Åshild Telle. Changes were made. CC BY-SA 4.0.
Clarion Hotel & Congress Oslo Airport / Comfort Hotel Runway, 2060