Lipsyncing 101
Sat 3 Sep 2022 12:15 PM - 2:15 PM BST
St Cecilia's Hall, EH1 1LL
It’s time to be fabulous, fierce and fascinating! Join celebrated drag artist Rhys’s Pieces for this free workshop and learn how to tell stories through lip sync and movement. Rhys is the lead artist featured in OMOS - an exhibition at the Royal Scottish Academy of a new moving image work that pays homage to untold Scottish Black History.
The art of lip-syncing can involve subverting the expected and sharing stories in exciting ways. For his workshop you will be asked to bring with you a song that for you connects to a personal story, family story or local or wider history. You’ll learn tips and tricks about lip syncing (miming to songs) and movement, and hear more about Rhys’s practice and his performance in OMOS. Rhys is the lead artist on OMOS - an exhibition at the Royal Scottish Academy - and the artists in exhibition responded to heritage and stories to create their work. By the end of the session you’ll know more about how you can use these creative skills to tell a story with your chosen song.
Get ready to move, lip sync and be absolutely fabulous!
Open to all genders and any age above 16 (Note that the workshop may include music with explicit lyrics. People under 16 can attend with parental permission)
No experience required.
This workshop does not focus on costume, so wear whatever you are comfortable moving in.
Please bring to the workshop:
1) Headphones
2) A phone or other device that you can put music on
3) A song downloaded onto the phone/device
4) Comfortable shoes and clothing
Rhys Hollis (also known as Rhys’s Pieces) is a cabaret performer and will be the lead artist directing the project, as well as being one of the performers in the film. Rhys Hollis is described as a one-person cabaret troupe; they are a performance artist dancer, rapper, lipsyncer, cabaret host, genderbending drag artist and burlesque act. They were crowned 2018’s LipSync 1000 Champion beating out over 100 other cabaret drag artists to take the prize. In 2019 they were awarded the title of best Verity Act by QX magazine. They are a member of the legendary LipSinkers group, and host cabaret nights across the UK. Instagram: @rhysspieces
OMOS is funded by The National Lottery through Creative Scotland and National Lottery Heritage Fund. It is also funded by City of Edinburgh Council, People’s Postcode Trust and Historic Environment Scotland. Partners include Historic Environment Scotland, Forestry and Land Scotland, Dunoon Burgh Hall, Royal Scottish Academy, Cultural Heritage and Arts Assembly Argyll & Isles (CHARTS), Argyll & Bute Council, the Fruitmarket, Scene Stirling and Transmission. The workshops in Edinburgh and storytelling cabaret have been supported by the Year of Stories 2022 Community Stories Fund. This fund is being delivered in partnership between VisitScotland and Museums Galleries Scotland with support from National Lottery Heritage Fund thanks to National Lottery players.
St Cecilia's Hall, EH1 1LL