Resurrection - Simon Boswell's Dead Music
Wed 23 Aug 2023 12:00 - Sun 27 Aug 2023 15:00 BST
St Georges Church, CT11 8RA
Back in the 1990’s, I called my agent in Los Angeles to inquire how the movie I had just scored had performed on its opening weekend. He replied: ‘Simon, it died’
Now, three decades later, after quite a few movies have sadly kicked the bucket, I have decided what to do with all my dead music.
In the dark crypt of St George’s church in Ramsgate, visitors will be able to clearly hear these long lost themes, playing from within a series of burnished coffins. Just as with pianos, cellos and violins, the resonant wood will amplify the sound, just like a rare Stradivarius. All you have to do is rest your ear on each casket and listen to my scores pleading for their lives.
After engaging with my deceased music in this location, visitors are invited to a special concert on Sunday August 27th, where the coffins will be opened, the musical parts and instruments that lie within, will be handed out to a group of fine musicians, and….RESURRECTED!
As the Musicians Union never tires of saying: KEEP - MUSIC - LIVE!
{Please note, a separate ticket is required for the resurrection of the Dead Music at Busk at Dusk on Sunday 27th August}
Accessibility Information - this event takes place in the crypt of St George's Church. There are 9 steps to get into the crypt. The floor is very uneven and the atmosphere quite dusty, please wear sensible shoes and consider a face mask if dust is an issue for you. Lighting will be very dim, and the ceilings are low, please be aware of your surroundings.
St Georges Church, CT11 8RA