An introduction to the Agroecology Research Collaboration
Mon 4 Mar 2024 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM GMT
Online, Zoom
Join us to learn about the work of the Agroecology Research Collaboration, how we are building stronger links between farmers and researchers, and how you can get involved!
The Agroecology Research Collaboration (ARC) is an initiative developed by the Landworkers’ Alliance, the Community Supported Agriculture Network UK, the Ecological Land Cooperative, the Organic Growers Alliance and Pasture for Life. We are organisations working within the UK food, farming, forestry and land-use sector with a large membership base of agroecological practitioners.
As organisations working towards shifting the paradigm around how we produce food and use land, we recognise the important position that research has to play in doing so. ARC is therefore a collective endeavour to support and inform an increasing research interest led by, centring on and meeting the needs of agroecological farmers, growers, foresters and other land-based workers. We work and collaborate with other organisations advocating for change and recognise the potential for strengthening the agroecology movement when our efforts are combined and coordinated. We strive to engage with research in a manner that is mutually supportive and that furthers the work of the broader movement.
In this webinar we will explore some of the research we have been part of of over the past three years, hear from researchers we collaborate with, and discuss how we can offer support to post-graduate students and early-career researchers.
Speakers include: Professor Michel Pimbert (Coventry University), Nikki Yoxall (The Countryside and Community Research Institute) and Dr Lisa Norton (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology)