'MAGIC OF MAY' (14-16 May 2021)
Fri 14 May 2021 8:00 PM - Sun 16 May 2021 9:00 PM SGT
The Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium, National Gallery Singapore, 178957
When it comes to improv, magic is always in the air! Tag along with our performers as they enchant you with stories that have (literally) never been told before, nor will ever be told again! No illusion involved - every story cast by these improv wizards and witches will be created spontaneously before your very eyes. So let your imagination take flight as we conjure tales out of this world!
[Advisory 16: Some Mature Content // All shows will be performed in English]
NOTE: TIC can confirm that both performances scheduled for Sun 16 May 2021 are allowed to continue as scheduled, in accordance with the updated safety guidelines by the NAC. However, due to the extraordinary circumstances, TIC will offer a full refund to any ticket holder that wishes to cancel their tickets. Please email contact@improv.sg for assistance.
- FRI 14 MAY 2021
- 8.00pm = 'OUT OF THIN AIR' by Strangers In-Sync
Hoo-ray, it's mid-May! Enter the magical world of improv with Strangers In-Sync, where they'll conjure jokes out of thin air like bunnies from a hat! Hop over to the National Gallery to catch their first-ever live performance as they bring you a night of fun. - ABOUT THE TEAM:
Strangers In-Sync is exactly what happens when six people are united by their love for improv comedy. Formed in 2021, they are dedicated to spreading the joy of improv on stage as a way to escape reality.
BX Tang | Hamza Qaiser | Nicole Ng | Paul Monk | Sam Booth | Chen Zhiming
- 8.00pm = 'OUT OF THIN AIR' by Strangers In-Sync
- SAT 15 MAY 2021
- 2.00pm = 'DUNGEONS & IMPROV' by The Company Players
Welcome to a place where dragons, magic rings and enchantments are real. You are all summoned to roll for initiative and witness an improvised quest filled with fellowship and adventure! What say you? Your aid is required to bring this Dungeons and Dragons Campaign to life. Humans, orcs, dwarves, elves and all sorts of magical creatures will be awaiting you!
- 2.00pm = 'DUNGEONS & IMPROV' by The Company Players
By day, they may look like regular working professionals from your office. But by nightfall, The Company Players become a mischievous crew of improvisers! As The Improv Company’s main improv comedy group, the Players would host fortnightly shows (pre-COVID), making them the most regularly performing improv team in Singapore as of 2019. The Players have also done shows overseas, particularly the Manila Improv Festivals. Their changing themes and formats for each show will guarantee nights of laughter - you might even become their guest co-star for the night!
Lefteris Statharas | Aditya Srivastava | Amos Yeo | Bhavani Bala | Kim Tan | Raemiguel Lee | Hsia Yi Ling
- 8.00pm = 'FAULTY STARS' by Indian Improv Theatre (SG)
Do our faults lie in our stars or in ourselves? Fate compels you to come to IITSG's short-form show this May 15, where IITSG will perform scenes about astrology and superstition in South Asian culture. Witness the faulty stars of salty people. - ABOUT THE TEAM:
IITSG draws on the richness and diversity of South Asian life, to create fun and relatable content. IITSG itself stands for Indian Improv Theatre Singapore, a nod to the Indian Institute of Technology, the university their parents wish they could have attended. IITSG tells stories about the South Asian or Diaspora experience, weaving hilarious but relatable themes like overbearing relatives, parental disappointment, awkward dates, and the looming opportunity/threat of arranged marriage.
Sahil Patel | Anuj Khemka| Arnab Ghosh | Megha Bhattacharya | Remi Kanji | Samir Kumar
- SUN 16 MAY 2021
- 2.00pm = 'LIFE IS SHORT, FOOD IS READY' by The Accidentals
Life is Short. Coming home to a dinner table when Food Is Ready can be a mundane, yet treasured moment in these extraordinary times. Who are you missing? Join The Accidentals on a tender journey through long-form stories that celebrate the sublime in the everyday. - ABOUT THE TEAM:
The Accidentals is one of Singapore's newest improv teams. Equal parts chaos and cadence with no set keys in their combined repertoire, their portrayals will have you feeling like water for chocolate as they seek to discover truth in unexpected places.
Jovi Tan | Fred Goh | Gloria Chua | Joshua Wong | Rachel Yang | Lim Si Hui | Tu Linh Truong
- 2.00pm = 'LIFE IS SHORT, FOOD IS READY' by The Accidentals
- 8.00pm = 'THICK SOLID TIGHT' by Thick Solid Tight
Annie and Asher will do a show with art in it.
Thick. Solid. Tight. is a duo that delights in bringing thought-provoking issues to the stage. Annie and Asher perform together in both scripted and improvised theatre, exploring the humour in our darkness. Recent reviews include being told their show could not have been unscripted.
Asher J. Tan | Annie Low | Hsia Yi Ling | Joel D. Chua
- 8.00pm = 'THICK SOLID TIGHT' by Thick Solid Tight
- Venue: The Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium (Basement 1), National Gallery Singapore (S178877)
- Ticketing:
- $30 = Single Seating (1-person admission per ticket)
- $50 = Pair Seating (2-persons admission per ticket)
- $30 = Single Seating (1-person admission per ticket)
- Discounts:
- TIC Vouchers
- Please enter your voucher code when prompted by Ticket Tailor
- Early Bird Sales (20%-off)
- Use Promo Code 'pineapple'
- Ends Sun 2 May 2021 (11.00pm)
- TIC Vouchers
'Improv' is short for 'improvisational theatre and comedy'. As the name implies, improv is a special form of theatre wherein no scripts are involved! Rather, the performers have to create their stories on the fly, usually with the help of their audience. This creates a unique experience where no two shows are the same, and where both performers and audiences actively collaborate as part of the storytelling.
So come on down to the Civic District and have some "Yes, And" fun creating stories with our players!
The Improv Company is committed to reviving the local improv scene in a safe and responsible manner. This event will comply with all Safety Management Measures as specified by the National Arts Council and National Gallery Singapore. Such measures include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Gallery Staff will conduct temperature checks and SafeEntry check-ins at all entrances of National Gallery Singapore.
- Audiences are to be seated in pairs or individuals, with at least 1m between each seating. Seats will be allocated when you check-in to the performance venue; swapping of seats will not be allowed once you are allocated your seat(s).
- A maximum of 50 audiences is allowed for each show.
- There will be a safety zone of 3m maintained between audiences and performers.
- Audiences and non-performing Staff are to keep their masks on at all times. Only performers on stage are allowed to remove their masks, and they must wear masks when off-stage.
- Audiences can submit their prompts for shows either in writing or via digital means. Either option will be available when checking-in at the Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium. Audiences are not allowed to shout suggestions from their seats.
- Ticket-holders not feeling well are strongly encouraged to stay at home and rest.
- The Improv Company and National Gallery Singapore reserve the right to remove any person who they deem to be breaching Safety Management Measures from the premises.
The Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium, National Gallery Singapore, 178957