From Fossil Fuels to Renewable Energy: trade and investment options - defining the research agenda.
Tue 7 Jun 2022 11:00 - 15:00 CEST
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Fighting climate change will require a fundamental energy transformation which, in turn, necessitates decisive action in which, as will be elaborated during this event, trade and investment will have to play a central role.
Join us to hear and discuss how the legal framework of the world trade and international investment will have to adapt to the needs of the environment. Our panels will discuss, in particular, how the most recent developments in the field are shaping international trade and investment law.
11:00 Opening Remarks by Prof. Peter-Tobias Stoll (University of Göttingen)
11:10 - 12:50 Trade Law and Climate Change
Dr. Susanne Dröge (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik - SWP) - "Setting the scene: trade and climate interlinkages"
Dr. Anna-Alexandra Marhold (Leiden University) - "Fossil fuel subsidies in the WTO"
Dr. Zaker Ahmad (University of Chittagong/ University of Göttingen) - "Article 6.2. Paris Agreement and promotion of trade in the WTO"
Chair: Dr. Federica Cristani (Institute of International Relations Prague)
Commentator: Dr. Gustavo Prieto (Ghent University)
12.50 - 13:00 Break
13:00 - 14:50 Investment Law and Climate Change
Agata Daszko (University of Göttingen) - "Setting the scene: international investment through the lens of the IPCC"
Dr. Dafina Atanasova (MIDS, Geneva) - "Investment and climate change: questions of treaty interaction"
Dr. Ksenia Polonskaya (Carleton University) - "Sustainability pathways for foreign investment"
Michael Putra (RSM, Erasmus University) - "Prioritizing and de-risking climate-related investments in carbon-critical countries"
Chair: Prof. Steffen Hindelang (Uppsala University)
Commentator: Dr. Markus Gehring (University of Cambridge)
14:50 Closing Remarks by Prof. Elisa Baroncini (University of Bologna)
We encourage you to submit your questions in advance via this GoogleForm.
The Webinar is organised as part of the ENLIGHT Project and is supported by the ESIL Interest Group on International Economic Law.