Ticket Tailor is now a carbon neutral business
At Ticket Tailor, we pride ourselves on growing better, not just bigger. This means that we actively balance growing our business with giving back.

At Ticket Tailor, we pride ourselves on growing better, not just bigger. This means that we actively balance growing our business with giving back. Every year, we donate a portion of our profits to charity, and we’re constantly working on improving the way in which we operate our business to ensure it has a net positive, rather than negative, impact on the world.
This year, we are committing to donate 1p for every ticket sold, and all funds raised will go towards the climate crisis. As part of supporting the climate crisis, and committing to running our business in a responsible way, we knew it was crucial to understand what our impact was on the environment – how much carbon do we emit?
Answering this question is far from straightforward. We’re a software company, we don’t produce any physical products, and we rarely travel. On the face of it, you might think that means we don’t have much of a carbon footprint to worry about, but actually there are many hidden ways in which a company like ours emits carbon. We were unsure of the best way to accurately calculate our carbon footprint, so we turned to our friends at Supercritical, who help businesses like us measure, reduce, and offset climate impact.
The first step with Supercritical was to collect and analyse data across a range of categories including our business travel, technology infrastructure, and office space. This was then compiled into a report to show what our impact was for 2020 – we discovered that we emitted 21 tonnes of CO2e (that’s the equivalent of powering 7 homes for a whole year!). Most of our emissions came from our employees working at home during the pandemic (central heating, electricity etc), the software we use to operate our business, and the consultants we work with:
You can view the full report here
Next, Supercritical talked us through how we can bring down that 21 tonnes – emissions reduction plays a vital role in tackling the climate crisis. We now have some ideas for what we can do as a team to play our part in bringing down our emissions, for example switching to renewable energy suppliers and reusing and repairing hardware instead of buying new.
The final step was to look at how we could offset our emissions. We learnt a lot in this part of the process – it’s not enough to use conventional offsets like clean cookstove projects, as these essentially pay others not to emit and the carbon you're responsible for remains in the atmosphere. Supercritical explained the options we had for investing in offsets that actually remove carbon from the atmosphere, and which are most permanent and effective. Our chosen carbon removal methods are:
Biochar – this one is all about carbon sequestration, which refers to the process of storing carbon in soil organic matter and thus removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Biochar is a way of getting carbon into soils – it’s a kind of charcoal created when biomass from crop residues, grass, or other plants is combusted without oxygen.
Enhanced Weathering – also about sequestering carbon, the principle of this is that the chemical breakdown of minerals in mountains and soils removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and transforms it into stable minerals on the planet’s surface. Naturally this process takes many thousands of years, but enhanced weathering accelerates the process by crushing rock and spreading it on land to increase the surface area of land that can absorb carbon.
One last consideration was whether to just offset for the year 2020, or do a few more calculations with Supercritical to find our all time footprint and offset the entire thing. As part of our commitment to being a responsible business, we decided to go all in. This means that we can now say that Ticket Tailor is carbon neutral for our entire history. We’re really excited about this, but we still have a little way to go until we can say that we’re net zero. We’ll continue to measure our footprint year on year, and will be actively working on how we can reduce emissions alongside any offsets we purchase so we can reach that net zero goal.
Here’s to a more sustainable and responsible 2022 💚
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