New: Add an expiry date when you refund via voucher
We know that flexible refunds can help with your event operations and cash-flow, and delight your customers. We’re only here to grant your wishes… so we’ve just released that feature!

We know that flexible refunds can help with your event operations and cash-flow, and delight your customers.
The event industry has had to become very resilient after years of restrictions. Coupled with this, is a demand for flexibility from ticket buyers. We know the option to refund via a voucher is really popular with our community. In fact, nearly 3,500 refunds have been issued this way.
Those of you issuing refunds via voucher told us that you would love to have even more flexibility and control by setting an expiry date on your voucher.
We’re only here to grant your wishes… so we’ve just released that feature!
Refunding via a voucher is beneficial because:
- Your customers are given complete flexibility to rebook at their convenience
- It saves you time, because you don’t have to take lots of customer details over the phone or in person
- It helps your cashflow, because the booking revenue stays in your account
- There is no back and forth with your online payment processor - you can issue the refund quickly and easily from your Ticket Tailor dashboard
Setting an expiration date for your voucher means you have more control over the events people can rebook onto.
For example, if you’re running a seasonal waterpark, you might want to give refunds for this summer, but prevent them from being used next summer season when your prices might have changed.
If you need to refund via a voucher, it’s easy to do so from your ‘Orders’ page, or reach out to our support team via [email protected] for some help.
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