Our checkout calendar has had a facelift to make booking tickets easier
Your checkout calendar has a facelift, so it’s easier for ticket buyers to understand your availability.

Your checkout calendar has a facelift, so it’s easier for ticket buyers to understand your availability.
Dates with good availability are now green, with sold-out dates showing in red. Dates with no event occurrences are grey.
As well as this, when booking tickets from a web browser, not on a phone, a tip will appear showing remaining availability for that date.
- These changes will help your sales by making it easier for your customers to see when your event is available.
We’ve also had some requests to keep the calendar expanded all the time in your checkout and your widget. If you’d like this on your page, reach out to customer support or email us at [email protected].
Thanks to everyone who suggested improvement ideas! We’ll get right to work on some more…
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