Your events might be exclusive - but your taxes don’t need to be!
This week, we launched the much-requested ability to mark your ticket prices as tax inclusive.

This week, we launched the much-requested ability to mark your ticket prices as tax inclusive.
You’ve always been able to set your own custom prices, fees and taxes for your event tickets, giving you complete control over the prices your event-goers pay.
As we always have ears pricked up for your feedback, we heard from you that you wanted even more control - so that you could set your ticket prices as tax inclusive!
Inclusive tax (or VAT) means the price of the product or service already includes the tax. For example, if an item is priced at $99 with an inclusive tax rate of 10%, the customer pays $99, and the seller will keep $90 and give $9 to the tax authority.
Exclusive tax, on the other hand, means the tax is added as an extra charge to the price of the product or service. For example, if an item is priced at $90 with an exclusive tax rate of 10%, the customer sees the item price as $90 and pays $99 when exclusive tax has been added on ($90 + $9 tax).
The main benefit of using inclusive tax is that it can simplify accounting and tax compliance as the tax has already been accounted for in the price. When you export your ‘Order report’ or ‘Line item report’ you can optionally include inclusive tax.
Another benefit of inclusive tax is that it will show the tax amount to customers throughout the checkout flow and on final invoices, making it easier for them to understand the total cost of the item they are purchasing. They can see the price they have to pay and the tax they are paying, all in one number, providing them with greater transparency, and may help fulfil your local legal requirements!
The choice remains completely yours. Inclusive tax, exclusive tax or no tax, you will always be in complete control of the prices and fees your ticket buyers pay.
If you have any ideas for future updates, let us know via chat or at [email protected]
We sell ticket events of all shapes and sizes!
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